Friday, January 05, 2007


So I'm a little sore today... I started working out again the other day. I don't make new years resolutions, BUT, I did feel the need to start being more active and this seemed like as good a time as any to start back up. So far it has been very enjoyable... even if I can't lift my hands above my head now. I was looking online for some info to help me get some good results and I found this article on MSN about ten ways to get thin. Number three was pray the fat away. Apparently Christian men who report feeling greater intimacy with God through prayer are more likely to be physically active than other men. You can read the whole story (here)

But I'm told I'm in for a bit of an experience. On Sunday Niki and I are going snowboarding. Every one who's been before tells me to get ready to be VERY sore for the next few days after. I'm really excited to try this new experience. Niki and I have been talking about doing this since we met, so it's about time we just do it. I'll let you know how it goes.... if I can get out of bed on Monday.

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