Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A New Painting

Saturday was another painting day. I'm sort of pleased with this one. I call it arbol tinieblas. Which is my poor Spanish translation for Tree of Darkness (Hell). As I painted there were a few thoughts going through my head. The first was the consumption of us in the west, and how we consume most of the world's resources while others go without. And so the person/monster on the left hand side (or West) represents a growing problem and darkness that cannot be ignored. The circle represents the earth and the battle of light and dark that is happening. And finally the Tree. In my other painting I also had a tree. Now there are two reasons for this. The first, it is the only thing that I can paint that actually sort of turns out. But as I painted I was drawn to how the tree is often a metaphor for things in the Bible. Starting with the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. and then moving on, into the psalms, and Jesus being the shoot that comes out of the stump in Isaiah. I think the idea of the tree is very fascinating, and it is interesting to think about the consequences of the fall and the things that result from that. So that's my painting.

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